Fort East Martello Museum and Gardens

9 件のレビューに基づいています


Robin B
53 month ago
Home of Robert The Doll
Amy S
112 month ago
Spectacular gift shop. Restroom only available for paying customers, which is fine, until the staff person actually verbally batters you into buying a bottle of water for $1 to use the bathroom.
Charlie S
125 month ago
Make sure you ask Robert permission before you take his picture!
Nicki M
126 month ago
Say hello to Robert the doll! Just make sure you ask his permission before taking a picture, and thank him for letting you take a picture!
Steve H
127 month ago
Say hello to Robert the doll.
Robin E
131 month ago
A 2 minute walk from airport if you arrive early and need to kill some time!
Ava R
153 month ago
They no longer allow candy for Robert; they now offer a wishing stone ($3.00) or you can write him a note to leave him your wish. (They made him a house for the stones/notes).
Nury R
154 month ago
Be sure to look around everywhere, there's so much history here. As far as Robert goes, I'd just leave him be without bothering with the pics. That's just me...
164 month ago
They say not to take Robert the doll's photo unless you want to bring yourself bad luck. While I'm not 100% sure I believe this, I left without his photo, just in case!
  • 3501 S Roosevelt Blvd, キーウェスト, FL 33040, アメリカ合衆国, GPS: 24.552185,-81.75538
  • (305) 296-3913
  • 月–日 9:30–16:30