Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana

8 件のレビューに基づいています


Lucas R
77 month ago
Visite a escadaria maneirista do Michelangelo!
Gyozo N
84 month ago
Inner garden is a good place to sit down. Especially because Florence is not so green.
annelise p
89 month ago
Closed for the installation of a special exhibition! I had already bought my ticket and was on my way upstairs before a guard stopped me - what a disappointment!
Antonio Carlos S
93 month ago
Vale a visita pois tem alguns livros nas salas de leitura com possibilidade de interacao multimidia.
Miltos T
115 month ago
Ατμοσφαιρικό. Το σπουδαστήριο του Μιχαήλ Αγγέλου. Πας 500 χρόνια πίσω...
Visit Tuscany
131 month ago
It was designed by Michelangelo around 1530. He produced new architectural styles, such as pillars that became thinner at the bottom, and a staircase with contrasting rectangular and curving forms.
Elite Club Vacanze
145 month ago
The Laurentian Library will definitely steal your heart because of its architectural beauty. Libraries have been set up in varying shapes and ways since the invention of script
Giba M
158 month ago
Nella foto un arancio amaro nel chiostro a misura d'uomo. Questa pianta era parte della vasta collezione di spcie di aranci che Medici detevano, arrivando ad averne oltre 400 differenti.